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Electroplate Tattoo Machine B1229
Date:2014-03-25 15:23:15       Clicks:
Electroplate Tattoo Machine B1229

【Material】:Carbon steel
【Description】:The plating casting tattoo machine description this professional tattoo machine is the use of high-end low carbon steel materials, dazzle beautiful appearance, special surface treatment and plating; Coil using the latest technology, special copper wire material making 10 laps solenoid valve, 5 v and can start, 7 -- 10 v work, running frequency of 28000 RPM, conductive good permeability performance, simple line is fluent, coil: using the latest imported 10 circle solenoid valve technology, the back strong magnetic absorption. Angle precision, high density, working speed, strength, long working hours is not hot, etc. Lines is 10 coil. Is the most suitable tattoo teachers by machine.

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